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Understanding the Risks Protecting Youth from STIS

19 December 2024 07:28 am

In recognition of World AIDS Month, Dr. Nisha Fernando emphasized the need for stronger preventive measures against STIs among youth. She noted that many young people may not fully understand the risks associated with STIs, often due to limited awareness and education around sexual health. She highlighted that early intervention empowers young individuals to make informed choices, protecting their health and breaking cycles of misinformation, ultimately paving the way for a healthier future.

Words -  Dr Nisha / Sachini Perera

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) pose significant health risks, especially for young people today. Adolescents often find themselves making quick decisions without fully understanding the long-term consequences, due in part to ongoing brain development and the pressures of social media. Quick, casual relationships have become common, and many young people may not pause to consider the risks involved in these physical connections. 
 Adolescents often underestimate the risks of unprotected sexual relationships. Many assume that STIs are unlikely to affect them, despite having read about these issues. Additionally, young people may not have the confidence or assertiveness to insist on safe sexual connections, particularly if they feel pressure from a partner or believe they have no other option. This perception can lead to unprotected intercourse and a disregard for preventive measures, like using condoms. Without protection, anyone-even those who have only had a few partners-can contract an STI.

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