In this insightful interview, we speak with renowned psychotherapist Dr. Shamindri Bandusena about the deep and lasting impact of bullying on mental health. With years of experience helping individuals cope with trauma, Dr. Bandusena sheds light on the psychological effects bullying can have, not only on victims but also on perpetrators. She discusses the importance of early intervention, the role of parents and educators in addressing bullying, and how therapy can provide essential support. Her expert perspective offers a comprehensive understanding of this widespread issue and the need for greater awareness and prevention.
Words - Sachini Perera
How does bullying impact a person’s mental health both in the short-term and long-term?
Bullying can affect a person’s cognitive, emotional, and physical health. Repeated bullying may lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, humiliation, and diminished confidence and self-worth. This can eventually cause the individual to withdraw from friends and family. Bullying can also hinder performance at work or school. Physically, one might experience changes in bowel patterns, headaches, and even engage in self-harm, to name a few effects. Over time, if the bullying persists and worsens, suicidal thoughts may emerge. Bullying is regarded as one of the most significant predictors of suicidal ideation and attempts.
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