Meals on the Run
4 July 2014 12:36 pm

We are on the run. Weekends don’tseem to make any differenceas we, the humans, have awonderful capacity to overloadour schedules without effort. A free daywithout any task to perform might freakus out! We are schedule-conscious to thatIf you are unable to stop-think-take stockchange,here’s some On the Run Meals foryou and your family.
This is one of my favourites. Boil andmash potatoes. Quantity is up to you,according to the number of portions youneed. Mash and blend with liquid milkand two eggs. Chop half of large red onion,couple of green chillies and corianderleaves. Heat two table spoons of olive
oil, sauté onions and chillies. Pour theblended mixture and cook till thickenedbut not too much. Add coriander leavesand salt to taste. Add some washed androasted koonisso (dried small fish). This is
Potato WhipperSnapper
Got any left over string hoppers? Breakthem into small pieces. Chop onion, garlic,green chilli. Saute in oil. Add choppedchicken or sausage and tomato. Add themashed string hoppers and mix around inthe pan. Add half a cube of chicken soupdissolved in half cup hot water and saltto taste. Oregano or coriander leaves isoptional. My daughter makes a lovely pilau.We enjoy it.
String Hopper Pilau
Any left over rice in the rice cooker?Make a tasty Sunrice Rice. Chop andsauté onion, ginger, karapincha leaves,one capcicum, mint leaves, sera. Add anyleftover chicken (shredded) or mincedbeef – according to your preference. Sautéfor few more minutes. Add the rice andadd half a cube of chicken soup. You canmake this spicy by adding red chilli piecesand maldive fish.
Happy Naans
Thin naans are available in frozen formin most super markets. Keep a pack in yourfreezer as this
is a convenient breakfast onthe go. Take the naans out of the freezerand leave on a bottom shelf overnight.They will be just right for your pan in themorning. Cook the naan for a few minuteson a non-stick pan. Line it with a chickenham slice, if you have on hand. If not, don’tworry. Veg Happy Naans are also quitetasty. Cut tomato, onion, a green chilli,coriander leaves and spread on the naan.Whip one cup yogurt with crushed garlicand ginger. Add pepper to taste. Spoon overthe veggies. Roll the naan and fix with atooth pick. A delicious breakfast!
Mini Pizzas
You must already be doing this.Buy the frozen pizza rounds. Leavethem on a bottom shelf in our fridgeovernight. You can load this withanything you like. Left over meats,boiled-chopped egg mixed with onionand green chilli or tempered tomato. Ifyou like it bland, apply mustard pasteand leave a round or two of chickenham on it.Another of my favourites. Make theporridge with water. Take off fire. Add milk,if you like it or salt if that’s your preference.You can now top your pot of porridgewith anything you like. Dried fruits, nuts,chopped plantain, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple or even grated carrot orbeetroot, if you are a veggie fanatic.
Any left over rice in the rice cooker?Make a tasty Sunrice Rice. Chop andsauté onion, ginger,karapincha leaves,one capcicum, mint leaves, sera. Add anyleftover chicken (shredded) or mincedbeef – according to your preference. Sautéfor few more minutes. Add the rice andadd half a cube of chicken soup. You canmake this spicy by adding red chilli piecesand maldive fish.
Pot of Porridge