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A teen’s guide to her first period the responsibility of mothers to educate our daughters

18 September 2024 07:40 am

While your daughter may have thousands of articles discussing the period and period health – you need to be the first person to open up about the rather uncomfortable topic of her first period and how to cope with it. 

Words - Prabha Rupasinghe

The very first period can come as quite a surprise to a young girl. One day she will be a carefree, happy youngster – and the next day she is a young woman experiencing the start of menstruation – and the 
follow-up symptoms.  A girl’s first period is a major milestone since it signals the shift from childhood to womanhood. Therefore, as mothers, we need to let them know that it is a normal experience as well as a remarkable milestone in our life. It was recorded that more than 67% of the girls who experience their first period tend to be confused until their late teens when they discuss with their peers about period and period hygiene. 

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