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Positive Thinking And how it can chage your life

17 July 2024 07:34 am

Words - Tishaniya Seneviratne

When you’re feeling down, the last thing you want to hear is that glass half full metaphor: What’s that supposed to do for you? 

It can seem like there are no positive thinking benefits in that moment. You’re disappointed because you want the full glass. And you don’t have it. Or, maybe you feel like your glass doesn’t exist at all. It’s broken, stolen, shattered, someone else’s. Angry, frustrated, disappointed, sad, afraid — you need to spend some time with those negative feelings. The key is to acknowledge them, then move on. When someone tells you to “cheer up” or “think positive,” it can seem pretty tone-deaf. Relentless positivity without reality rarely helps. That’s why toxic positivity has given positive thinking a bad rap. 
While it may not work any immediate miracles, positive thinking that acknowledges reality can benefit us all in the long run. Hope and growth are good for your health and wellness. Some people are more optimistic than others, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to see the opportunities and silver linings in life.

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