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Stepping Beyond Embracing Growth Beyond the Comfort Zone

20 June 2024 07:19 am

In this insightful article, Sarangi Henadheera, passionate in Human Resources, delves into the interesting concept of the comfort zone. With years of experience in fostering organizational growth and development, she brings a unique perspective to the table.  

Words - Sachini Perera / Sarangi Henadheera

Can you define what the ‘comfort zone’ means to you personally?

In my experience, the comfort zone resembles a warm bubble where everything is predictable, safe, and comfortable. It’s a place where you feel comfortable and can move around without any difficulty or discomfort. There are less chances for danger here, but there are some chances for development and education. Although it’s reassuring and essential for rest and regeneration, spending too much time in this state might impede growth and restrict possibilities.

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