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Celebrating Father’s Day A Tribute to Unsung Heroes

14 June 2024 03:21 pm

Fatherhood is an epic term that shouldn’t be dwindled down to an ordinary, mundane title.It is in fact a special anointing which many have been honoured with, an essential and profound role that has been carefully curated by the divine to ensure purpose and light within a family. The book of Thessalonians in the Bible holds a scripture verse that paints the role of a Father in a softer light, drawing away from the expected objective of a bread winner to a more personal interaction with a child – “a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God.” In the eyes of your offspring, a Father carries the God given trait of a comforter,a quality that society mostly expects from a Mother. He is also entrusted with the mighty task of encouraging a child to journey through a righteous path, one that is less travelled.  

  Words - Ronali Moonemalle Goonetileke

As a child, I have been privileged to sit on the shoulders of my Father with my arms stretched wide, and little, innocent hands locked in his, gazing at the view that lies ahead, unafraid of the challenges of tomorrow. That is the reassurance I received from a God-fearing, exemplary man, who continues to fulfill his role as a comforter and confidant, allowing his gentle approach to Fatherhood shape the course of my thoughts and actions. Many years later, I find myself blessed to have found a partner with the same anointing as my own Father, striving in his efforts to be a beacon of light and love to my own daughter. 
Father’s Day falls on the 16th of June, celebrating all father figures who have gone beyond the expected, and shaped the lives of those who find refuge in them. We live in a world rigged with uncertainty and complexities a child cannot maneuver through by his or her own might. Therefore, it is critical to reflect on the essential role of a Father and fully gauge the potential it carries to completely alter the course of a child’s life for the better. Let’s take a look at a few characteristics of a Father that strives to discipline and shape the minds and hearts of their children, the righteous way!

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