Madusha Ranaweera
9 September 2019 12:46 pm
Words : Indika Madapatha Sellahewa
Photos : Nirmala Dhananjaya
Outfits designed : Indi Yapa Abeywardena
Hair : Shane Perera
Makeup : Viran Jose Peters
Madusha Ranaweera, Chief Marketing Officer at Bio Foods is passionate about going green and saving the planet and its people from harmful food products. Armed with a B.Sc. in Psychology and Neuroscience from University in Nova Scotia in Canada, she believes that “Sri Lankans should adopt the simplest environmentally conscious habits, it can make a substantial difference to the issue of climate change.”
Madusha tell us about yourself, your family and how you got to be where you are today.
I am the first of two girls in my family. My younger sister, Nidusha, is currently a dental surgeon in Canada. My mom, Nilanthi, used to work at the Tea Research Institute, and my dad is a food scientist. My dad founded Bio Foods in 1993, and it was him and my mom at the helm of it for the last 25 years. As for myself, I went to school in Kandy (at Kandy Girls’ High School mostly), but my family moved to Canada before my A/Ls. While in Sri Lanka, we had quite an unconventional childhood. Bio Foods being an organic, fair trade tea and spice exporting company, we were frequently in the company of people from many countries from all over the world. My parents also wanted us to see the world outside of Sri Lanka, so we travelled a lot as a family. By the time we moved to Canada, it was the 20th country we’d visited. I went to university in Nova Scotia, where I completed my B.Sc. in Psychology and Neuroscience. That is where I met my now husband, Nelson- I actually met him on my second day on campus. He was a Philosophy Psychology double major. After our undergrad, we came to Sri Lanka to get married, and then ended up moving here to Colombo. At that time, we both worked for Bio Foods as managers of business promotion. After about a year of doing that, we moved to Scotland, for my Master’s program at the University of St. Andrews (also in Psychology).
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